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get-there-itis  n.— «Americans suffer from “get-there-itis.” Behind the wheel, the fixation on “getting there” ASAP causes people to speed, run red lights and weave through traffic. When nothing must stand in their...


scotologia  n.— «Says Samir Parikh, a clinical psychiatrist with Max Healthcare, “In the past couple of years I have had a large number of people seeking advice on how to get over their fixation with the cyber world. The maximum number of...


genomania  n.— «The scientist responsible for this latest little outbreak of what has been dubbed “genomania” in foreign media—best defined as a fixation with simplistic pseudo-science purporting to link genetic variation with...

tartan noir

tartan noir  n.— «Scottish detective fiction, or Tartan Noir as it’s called, with its brooding sensibility, brutal humor and fixation on the nature of guilt and punishment, has more in common with the Russian novel than it does with...


apostrofly  n.— «There is no guarantee that the apostrophe will appear in the right place in Queens’ College, Cambridge. The apostrophe, it sometimes seems, is like an insect—an apostrofly—over the dining table, alighting where it will. If...