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go north with the club

go north with the club  v.— «Eight survivors of the six-week training school at Sarasota are due to go north with the club.» —“BoSox Will Go WIth Oldsters As Long as They Keep in Race” by Jack Hand Joplin...

go north with the club

go north with the club  v.— «Vance will probably go North with the club and if he does it means that infield practice will be well worth watching because his rifle-like arm is the big feature of Syracuse warmups.» —“Skidding the Sport...

go north with the team

go north with the team  v.— «Pitcher Eul, the Peoria man who has been dickering with McFarland, got in in time to go north with the team and John Mertens was left at home.» —Decatur Review (Illinois) June 2, 1903. (source:...

go north with the team

go north with the team  v.— «Despite his luscious contract—Caudill made $1,233,000 for his lost season in 1986 and is signed for three more years—he needs to beat people out to go north with the team.» —“Caudill’s forkball a...

go north with the club

go north with the club v. in baseball, to join a major league team (from a farm team or the minor leagues). Also go north with the team. Etymological Note: Baseball spring training is held in warm southern states, so to join the team as a regular...

go north with the club

go north with the club  v.— «“He’s such a good young player,” Manager George Bamberger said, “that there’s absolutely no point in rushing him. In my mind, I don’t think he’ll go north with the club. But we expect him to make it...