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Chopped Liver

There’s a proverb that goes “beloved children have many names.” At least, that’s true when it comes to the names we give our pets. “Fluffy” becomes “Fluffers” becomes “FluffFace” becomes...

Governor Moonbeam

Why is California governor Jerry Brown sometimes called Governor Moonbeam? This ethereal moniker was bestowed by the great Chicago newspaper columnist Mike Royko to suggest a kind of hippie-dippie, insubstatntial, lack of practicality. This is part...

Episode 1477

Flop Sweat

Gerrymandering draws political boundaries to tip elections towards certain political parties. Originally, the word was pronounced “GARY-mandering” with a hard “g.” But why? And why did it change? • Mark Twain and Helen Keller...

Pronunciation of Gerrymander

A listener in New York City wonders about how to pronounce gerrymander, which means “to redraw the lines of an electoral district so as to favor a particular political party.” The term comes a joking reference to Massachusetts governor...

secret squirrel mission

secret squirrel mission  n.— «The detail protects the governor, the lieutenant governor, visiting dignitaries and other elected officials deemed to be at risk. But Mr. Wiese so frequently dispatched members of the detail to other duties...


Gramm-standing  n.— «Hutchison’s knack for bringing home dollars as a member of the Senate Appropriations Committee recalls the priorities of three Texas predecessors: Lyndon Johnson, Lloyd Bentsen and Gramm. And like Gramm, Hutchison has...