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AFPAK  n.— Note: A blend of AFghanistan and PAKistan. «In the two-front war that Washington is now calling “AFPAK,” there’s more head-scratching going on than is immediately visible. Yes, President Barack Obama last week...

graveyard month

graveyard month  n.— «February and March are known in the retail industry as the “graveyard months,” the time when wealthy owners find themselves some sunshine on an expensive cruise liner waiting for the spring recovery...


near-hire  n.— «After insistent lobbying from call center agencies, Gloria Arroyo also approved the allocation of P500 million ($10,907,504) for the “re-education” of “near-hires”—a term used to describe the 92 percent of applicants who...

tanker yanker

tanker yanker  n.— «“We’ve got to get the same work done in less time, and that makes the job more stressful,” said Bob Williams, a “tanker yanker,” a hauler of hazardous chemicals. “Listen, we’re adults, and we...

graveyard spiral

graveyard spiral  n.— «t looks to me like AOL has just paid $4.21B for a company that has yet to make money. (AOL, did you check NSCP’s P/E ratio?) and was in a Graveyard Spiral.» —“Re: AOL buying Netscape” by Antonius...

graveyard spiral

graveyard spiral  n.— «He told naval authorities that while he was over Cherry Point in thick clouds at 40,000 feet the Banshee suddenly went out of control and nosed into a “graveyard spiral,” a downward banking motion at...