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greenprint  n.— «“State plan” means “Greenprint for Minnesota: A State Plan for Environmental Education.”» —“State Of Minnesota Seventy-Ninth Session—1995: Article 14 Environmental Education” Minnesota...


greenprint  n.— «In 1998 we published Charting a Course for the Delaware Bay Watershed (available from NJCF). It serves as a “greenprint” for conservation work in the Bayshore.» —“The State We’re In: NJ Saves 1,000 Acres...


greenprint n. a government’s or community’s environmental plan, especially one concerned with parks, forests, waterways, greenways, and other shared spaces. Also as verb, to make such a plan. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)


greenprint  n.— «Papers already submitted to the Burgess Park Steering Group, a joint subcommittee of councillors from the planning and leisure committees, indicate variations on the former GLC greenprint. Early this year when the new...


greenprint  n.— «The Greenprint is a joint effort of the Trust for Public and the Cornwall-based Housatonic Valley Association, which, according to HVA’s Web site “are working together to initiate a community-based mapping...