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gronk n. a general term of derogation for a man, especially one considered weak, stupid, or brutish. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)


gronk  n.— «In Australia the term “gronk” was originally used to describe prison innmates. Now the term is used to describe wannabe mamas boy thugs, derrelicts and general idiocy in people. Anyway I was at the gym which I have...


gronk  n.— «Not unexpectedly therefore, most argot terms relating to prison health workers had unflattering connotations. For instance, the argot term “gronk” is remains [sic] in current use in Australian prisons in describing...


gronk  n.— «In a letter Armytage later wrote to the then Minister for Juvenile Justice, Faye Lo Po,” he listed examples of the racial abuse the youths alleged they had been subjected to. “You black c—, you got no ticker.”...


gronk  n.— «Alexander was labelled a “gronk”—young, slow, and an easy target for sex. According to Steve, a 30-year-old who served four years in jail for more than 10 bank robberies, “a gronk is someone who can’t flow...


gronk  n.— «Delaveris was immediately hooked on prison lingo—and particularly taken with one word, “gronk,” which has myriad meanings. In prison parlance, it’s a derogatory term for inmates used by prison guards. Linguists...