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Pan Pan!

Skip, a sailing enthusiast from Gainesville, Florida, has been pondering radio protocols, such as the distress signal mayday!, and sécurité, which announces any of various warnings. There’s also pan-pan, repeated three times, a call that...

bench cut

bench cut  n.—Gloss: A terraced or step-like cut in soil, stone, wood, or other material. «Volunteers will learn how to decrease erosion on slopes by a method called “bench cutting.” They will then make some bench cuts on local trails...


popcorn  n.— «With their affection for euphemism, Americans call them “firecrackers” or “popcorn”. They are hollow shells, containing anything from three to more than 2000 bomblets that can spread over large areas...


firecracker  n.— «With their affection for euphemism, Americans call them “firecrackers” or “popcorn”. They are hollow shells, containing anything from three to more than 2000 bomblets that can spread over large...

couch rocket

couch rocket n. a large, luxurious motorcycle, typically ridden by an older rider. Etymological Note: A play off crotch rocket ‘a small, fast motorcycle.’ (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)