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out the road

out the road  adv.— «“Out the road”—There is a road that goes out of Juneau northwest along the coast that dead-ends after 30 or 40-some miles. There are other roads that go a ways and dead-end, but they are shorter, and they aren’t...


pellet  n.— «On April 24, the day before the New York TRACON evacuation, under the heading of “operational update,” the ATO’s internal communication staff writes tongue-in-cheek accounts of daily airspace operations, air...


hamster  n.— «On April 24, the day before the New York TRACON evacuation, under the heading of “operational update,” the ATO’s internal communication staff writes tongue-in-cheek accounts of daily airspace operations, air...


spello  n.— «I was around for a few momentous typos and spellos (a term my friend uses for words that are misspelled not by accident, but because you really didn’t know the right spelling and didn’t check.) I got to witness e-mail pouring...


phoneslaughter n. vehicular manslaughter caused by use of a cell phone while driving. Editorial Note: The 2001 cite seems to be a reposting of an article from ABC News where the term phoneslaughter appeared only in the headline, although this cannot...


eve-teasing  n.— «Police officials have been discovering that the collegiate enthusiasts who prowl streets in Indian cities are not content to watch the girls go by. Indian newspapers have carried accounts of police roundups in Srinagar...

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