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belt-buckle rash

belt-buckle rash  n.— «Belt-Buckle Rash is actually the result of many factors; snaps, zippers and even the abrasive effects of denim will also result in finish damage. However, the most sinister threat to an instrument’s finish is...

burping bedpost

burping bedpost  n.— «Because I played an instrument during concerst season that was “inappropriate” for marching (the wonderful burping bedpost, also known as the bassoon), I was relegated to the Pit section.» —“My Only...

paint the tape

paint the tape  v. phr.— «With another contemporary art auction cycle upon us, naive observers are again wondering about the huge prices engendered by hedge-fund speculation in contemporary art. How exactly is it done? The answer lies in a...

lummi stick

lummi stick  n.— «Youngsters will learn to cook with a stick over an open fire, make a “lummi stick”—a cylindrical percussion instrument—and add a few words to their vocabulary from the WaWa jargon, a pidgin once used by Oregon...

glory trip

glory trip  n.— «This is where they pull the ICBMs from the United States and do “glory trips,” as they call them, to make sure they are functional, operational. They ship them over to Vandenberg, throw them in a silo, instrument them, put...

Bitchin’ Betty

Bitchin’ Betty  n.— «The 19 pilots in the 200-member squadron stationed at El Toro fly the FA-18 Hornets, a single-seat, high-tech aircraft that features computerized instrument panels, television screens to aid in bombing run accuracy and...