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If your car’s broken down you might say it’s banjaxed, especially if you’re in Ireland. A caller who grew up in Dublin is curious about the word. This is part of a complete episode.

Pulmonic Ingressive

In Ireland you’ll find that some folks have an odd habit of gasping in mid-conversation. A Texan who lived in Dublin for years says he found this speech trait disconcerting. The hosts explain that this “pulmonic ingressive” is...


rent-a-quote  n.— «Roy Keane has been labelled a “rent-a-quote” manager by former Ireland midfielder Eamon Dunphy. “I know Roy well and he hated all that manager-speak,” Dunphy said. “Now he holds these...


spide  n.— «In good old Northern Ireland (that’s Norn Iron in the local accent…beautiful, isn’t it?) we call “chavs’”spides,” and female versions are called “millies,” which makes it quite amusing when...


milly  n.— «In good old Northern Ireland (that’s Norn Iron in the local accent…beautiful, isn’t it?) we call “chavs’”spides,” and female versions are called “millies,” which makes it quite amusing when...