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Mortarville  n.— «A detention facility by the Iranian border lost their doc cuz he had an irregular heart beat & went for eval in germany, so I get to play prison doc for a couple 2-3 weeks, then back to Mosul (mortarville…..)...

cat face

cat face n. aberrant surface features or an irregular appearance on fruit, vegetables, or trees, especially when caused by healthy tissue growing over damage. Also v., adj., attrib. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)


Z-buffer  n.— «Catmull invented texture mapping (the way to make digital surfaces “pour” over objects), the Z-buffer (an algorithm that tracks the virtual distance between pixels and a viewer, now standard in most personal...

Catmull-Rom spline

Catmull-Rom spline  n.— «Catmull invented texture mapping (the way to make digital surfaces “pour” over objects), the Z-buffer (an algorithm that tracks the virtual distance between pixels and a viewer, now standard in most...