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swivel chair job

swivel chair job  n.— «For such a citizen out of work, the cases offer a swivel chair job at $3 a day.» —“Twelfth St. Condemnation Cases Before Courty Today” Chicago Daily Tribune June 29, 1915. (source: Double-Tongued...


lilywhite  n.— «They use public transport, not Ferraris, pay their rent and council tax on time, hold down a boring job and never get in trouble with the law. These are the “clean skins” or “lilywhites”—the new...

clean skin

clean skin  n.— «They use public transport, not Ferraris, pay their rent and council tax on time, hold down a boring job and never get in trouble with the law. These are the “clean skins” or “lilywhites”—the new...


cold-patch  n.— «When potholes need a temporary repair, both “hot-mix” asphalt and “cold-patch” are used to repair the surface until the roadway can be re-surfaced. Most street repairs are made with...


cutback  n.— «When potholes need a temporary repair, both “hot-mix” asphalt and “cold-patch” are used to repair the surface until the roadway can be re-surfaced. Most street repairs are made with “hot”...

boot party

boot party  n.— «Inmates throughout the BOP suffer boot-parties on an alarming scale because of this “trick bag.”…A few lumps on my head and a paint job on my eyes is far better than what could happen if I didn’t...

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