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spin v. in horseracing, to renege on an agreement to have a jockey ride a racehorse. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)


spin  v.— «Agents often make early commitments to more than one horse in a race, figuring that the field will thin out by the time post positions are drawn. But if both horses enter, one of the trainers will be jilted. Jockeys also can...


spin  v.— «“Spinning” is the racetrack term for maneuvering by which agents change mounts shortly before entries are taken, or trainers change riders.» —“Jockey Agents Always On Alert ‘Spinning’ Causes Backstretch...


flip  v.— «Not even high-fashion models watch their weight closer than jockeys do. Ideally, a jockey should weigh 112 or less. “A lot of jocks eat, eat, eat and then puke, puke, puke. It becomes habitual with them. We call ‘em...