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good money

good money  n.— «Customers say Alberto is “good money,” a slang term meaning he is good at his job. They know Alberto is aware of the small intricacies regarding their hair and the way it grows.» —“‘Cutting heads’ the Brooklyn...

kissing knees

kissing knees  n.pl.— «Safrit had another term for the condition. He called it “kissing knees.” “Their bones just can’t handle that much weight so early in life,” Safrit said. “It looks like they are on skis, on skates. Their knees bow...

Barmuda Triangle

Barmuda Triangle  n.— «In a dark corner of Leo’s Food and Spirits at Dauphine and France streets—one-third of what is known as “The Barmuda Triangle in the 9th Ward”—sat the Captain For Life of Box of Wine.» —“Corkscrew...

barmuda triangle

barmuda triangle  n.— «DeVerniero opened Pauly’s Pub & Grill at 119 N. Broadway in February 1997, saying that the six bars in a two block “barmuda triangle” downtown would feed off each other and foster night life in the...


re-shop  v.— «Back at Target, manager Bonnie Meeker said she picks up two shopping-cart loads of items every time she walks past the checkout lanes, the consequence of what Meeker calls “re-shop.” “Re-shopping is our...


sign-cutting  n.— «Some shifts he will spend tracking drug or human smugglers along desert trails using an age-old technique known as “sign cutting,” other times he may work a vehicle stop on a highway, or process detainees...

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