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periodic  n.— «I thought he had sobered up during our growing up years. I was wrong. He was what is known as a “periodic.” He revealed his dual life to my sister and to me as we entered college, then regularly showed up on...

leisure farm

leisure farm  n.— «However, I was lucky enough to go to two farms in southern Taiwan last month—I also visited the charming Dakeng Recreational Farm in Tainan. Leisure farms, as they are called, give city folk like me a chance to try The...


skylab  n.— «The sole means of public transport is a motorcycle service, which someone with a curious sense of humor dubbed “the Skylab.” Skylabs appear a few times a day. Up to five people, including women holding infants...


happy-clappy  adj.— «You don’t have to be a happy-clappy Silicon Valley hippie to see that computer-driven virtual reality is set to upstage Euro Disney before the millennium. » —“In This Sterile Diorama, Life Is but a...


ageplay  n.— «Prosecutors in Germany have started to investigate anonymous members of the virtual world Second Life after a German TV news magazine, Report Mainz, uncovered a virtual child sex pornography ring, where users would pay Linden...

meat diaper

meat diaper  n.— «OH I forgot!! MEAT DIAPERS!!!! she LOVES to dig in the kitchen trash for those!! They also are in the middle of the office floor.» —“Chitters” by Mary Lou Life After NEXCOM (Whidbey Island...

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