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krumping  n.— «Originally called “clowning” by creator Tommy Johnson (Tommy the Clown) in the early “90s, krumping (morphed from the word crunk) is an aggressive, speed-dial style of dance mirroring African tribal rituals...


clowning  n.— «Originally called “clowning” by creator Tommy Johnson (Tommy the Clown) in the early “90s, krumping (morphed from the word crunk) is an aggressive, speed-dial style of dance mirroring African tribal rituals...


intellijeune  n.— «Intellijeune is a term coined by the frequent traveller Dr. Otto Weizman. It is compounded from the English (or French) word intelligent and the French word jeune, meaning youth or literally young person. The...

stale dating

stale dating  v.— «TBS hoped to reduce or eliminate the high cost of remote satellite broadcasts and to avoid the stale dating inherent in studio weather information.» —“Zydacron and Tokyo Broadcasting System Revolutionize Live...


scrumtrilescent  adj.— «That show was delightful. No. No. It was brilliant. No, no, no, no. There is no word to describe its perfection, so I am forced to make one up. And I’m going to do so right now. Scrumtrilescent.» —“Inside the...


scrumtrelescent adj. excellent, fabulous, great. Also scrumtrilescent. Etymological Note: This word was popularized by the actor Will Ferrell on the television show Saturday Night Live in a skit parodying television presenter James Lipton, host of...

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