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 n.— «(title)» —by Denis Beckett Madibaland (S. Africa) , 1998. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)


Madibaland n. South Africa. Etymological Note: Madiba is the name of the Xhosa clan to which Nelson Mandela belongs, and it is applied to him by transference as a familiar title. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)


Madibaland  n.— «Les révisionnistes auront ensuite à cœur d’adopter très rapidement la nouvelle division du pays que viennent de concocter sept sages pour qu’on en finisse avec les promiscuités indignes, honteuses...


Madibaland  n.— «As much as I admire Madiba but I think to call every building after him is taking it too much. I am getting confused already because every town there is somenting named after him. But I must admit I like the Madibaland...


Madibaland  n.— «A Qunu, son village natal au fin fond du Transkei, Mandela a par ailleurs fait construire un véritable Madibaland. Au coeur du complexe, qui intègre une ferme, se trouve la réplique de sa dernière...


Madibaland  n.— «Archbishop Tutu affirmed that the country, which he coined “Madibaland,” had come a long way and was now reaping socio-economic and political fruits, producing more heroes and heroines everyday.» —“Why...