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Manhattanhenge  n.— «Manhattanhenge Today…On these days, the Sun fully illuminates every single cross street during the last fifteen minutes of daylight and sets exactly on the street’s centerline. Upon studying American culture and...


notel  n.— «They are called Manhattan beds-and-breakfasts, “notels,” unhosted apartments and short-term sublets. But at their heart, most are small co-op and condo apartments converted by their owners to de facto hotels. They...


beta  n.— «Stripping his suit to reveal a pair of bright green lycra tights, the Manhattan businessman lifts himself up on to the east face of the rock to demonstrate “the beta”—that’s climbese for the ability to flawlessly...

buffet flat

buffet flat  n.— «The casual, migratory and unskilled drinkers of the world, along with a scattering of habitual, non-migratory and skilful [sic] drinkers, have found a new haven. It is the buffet flat and the New York police are authority...