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Occupy and Zuccotti Lung

The 2011 words of the year list wouldn’t be complete without occupy, as in the Occupy protests that sprang up in Manhattan’s Zuccotti Park and elsewhere. And Zuccotti lung? It’s an illness that made its rounds among the camped-out...

back up the truck

back up the truck  v. phr.— «The safety of these securities caused financial firms to load upon on them (“back up the truck,” in Wall Street parlance). They were considered so safe that financial firms used borrowed funds to buy more, and...


secular  adj.— «In Wall Street parlance, a very long period of falling or, at best, sideways-moving stock prices is termed a “secular” bear market. And there have been some doozies in relatively recent U.S. history...

Turkey Manhattans

A Wisconsin resident gets misty-eyed remembering the steaming plates of Beef Manhattan and Turkey Manhattan from his elementary-school days in central Indiana. But why the “Manhattan” in their names? How far back to do you remember...

mad heads

mad heads  n.pl.— «I don’t think Brooklyn slang is that different from Manhattan slang. But I’m not used to a lot of the slang my friends use. Months ago, I first heard, “There are mad heads here.” I was like, “Where did that come from?”...


type  adv.— «I don’t think Brooklyn slang is that different from Manhattan slang. But I’m not used to a lot of the slang my friends use. Months ago, I first heard, “There are mad heads here.” I was like, “Where did that come from?” For a...