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starvation corner

starvation corner  n.— «The man is immature, selfish, unloving, faithful and no bargain no matter how you look at it. He has relegated you to a starvation corner.…He gives nothing of himself.» —“‘Good Provider’ Who Gives Nothing...


stroking  n.— «Tweaking the Chase format in such minor ways would be perfectly fine if NASCAR had the courage to address the real problem. The problem isn’t how many people get to be in the 10-race “playoffs,” but the system of...


fakenger  n.— «For centuries people have done some pretty silly things in the name of fashion, and right now in portland there is a prevalant bikie / “fakenger” fashion. the fact of the matter is that most people around here who choose not...

sweater puppies

sweater puppies  n.pl.— «If you don’t want to be insulted like that, stop tuning in to watch Anderson’s sweater puppies wiggle.» —“On TV: These ratings are no laughing matter” by Melanie McFarland Post...


Afghanistanism  n.— «For years, Americans went about their daily lives under the false impression that faraway places like Afghanistan didn’t matter. Newspapers even had a term for news stories that were irrelevant to local readers:...

flying toilet

flying toilet  n.— «Its lead author, Kevin Watkins, recalls a visit to Kibera, a Nairobi slum where people defecate into plastic bags, which they toss onto dumps or by the road. These “flying toilets”, as they are called, often land on...