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DMORT  n.— «I called someone to decode the DMORT code on a trash dumpster. It looked like it had been there a week.» —“Downtown” by Jacob Appelbaum in New Orleans Jacob Appelbaum’s weblog Sept. 11, 2005...


chopper  n.— «The AK-47 is known in new orleans as a “chopper” or a “chop.” as in b.g.‘s “chopper city in the ghetto” (1998), a platinum-selling album on cash money which gave the world the phrase...


chop  n.— «The AK-47 is known in new orleans as a “chopper” or a “chop.” as in b.g.‘s “chopper city in the ghetto” (1998), a platinum-selling album on cash money which gave the world the phrase...


throw-down  n.— «“It’s a Saturday night special, judge,” Barrett said. “It’s not a mystery that a gun with no serial numbers is used by criminals. It’s used as a throw-down.”» —“Accused Cop Has Record Of...


heater  n.— «In 1974, John Dillmann was a 27-year-old detective on the New Orleans Police Department’s homicide unit and hungry for his first “heater” case—a big publicity case that would earn him status on the force. He didn’t...


heater  n.— «Hill pointed out police had called Superintendent Richard Pennington within a half-hour of the shooting, calling it evidence that “this case was a heater from the beginning.”» —“Teen Guilty Of Murder Outside...