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bar banking

bar banking  n.— «Bar banking, as it is sometimes called, has provided a financial lifeline for huge numbers of undocumented Irish over the years.…The paycheck is counter signed and handed over the bar by the individual who then...

paperless banking

paperless banking  n.— «Generally, a Hawala is a system of brokers that provide a paperless banking system enabling individuals to transfer large sums of cash from one country to recipients in another country without the funds ever...


AG  n.— «The street word is AG, a term popular among women of color to describe females very much in touch with their masculinity. Historically, the words used to describe such women have been butch, passing woman, bull dagger, bull dyke...


monoline  n.— «Only 13 companies belong to MICA. They are the closely regulated “monoline” mortgage insurance firms that only guarantee mortgage loans, with state laws forbidding them to enter any other insurance business...

pull a Crater

pull a Crater  v. phr.— «Over the years, the intrigue of the judge’s disappearance became so imbedded in New York City’s public consciousness that the term “Pulling a Crater” became slang for vanishing.» —“Judge Crater...


swiffer  v.— «Over the past few years, some hip consumers have started using a coined verb—”Swiffering”—to describe how they tackle cleaning tasks with Procter & Gamble Co.‘s…refillable sweepers, mops and dusters...

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