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 n.— «I hate cocaine, and hated it more when this scumbag referred to it as “charley.”» —“Last Night On Earth” by Jeff Koyen New York Press Mar. 2, 2005. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)

crime scene sex

crime scene sex  n.— «I’ve never heard blood wings. I’ve heard “crime scene sex,” which if you perform will earn you your red wings.» —“New York Yankees (40-21) at Arizona Diamondbacks (26-37) 9:35 p.m. EDT” by...


hang-up  n.— «Suicides—”hang-ups” in the cold vernacular of the cellblock—have always been a jailhouse reality.» —“In City’s Jails, Missed Signals Open Way to Season of Suicides” by Paul von Zielbauer New...


sitzprobe  n.— «The sitzprobe—the German word originally came into musical theater from the world of opera and literally means “sitting trial”—is actually the rehearsal at which cast and musicians assemble to play through a...


eveninger  n.— «That was the day when the managing director of Coltex India, a subsidiary of the New York-based Coltex Inc., had picked up the copy of Mumbai’s leading eveninger kept in his car to read on his way home from work—as had been...


cutie  n.— «Eduardo Lausse, the darling of Argentina, knows today why they call Milo Savage a “cutie.” The handsome South American had to get off the floor and close with a rush to get a draw in last nights’ 10...