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Corrupticut  n.— «Nowadays, from Storrs to Stamford, there are jokes about living in Corrupticut, Connection-icut or, the new favorite, Criminalicut.» —“The Nutmeg State Battles the Stigma of Corrupticut” by Paul von...

tent pole

tent pole  n.— «Megan McTavish, the show’s head writer, said she was most astonished that fans elevated Bianca into one of the serial’s “tent poles”—soap parlance for characters who hold enormous sway with viewers...


bust-down  n.— «One day while working at a hair salon that he owns, Jeff explains to me that he was constantly being asked by the young black women who frequented the shop to bring a bunch of “ballers” (men with money who enjoy...


flossing  n.— «Struck with a love of flossing (spending to affect an image of an affluent lifestyle), he gets in over his head financially.» —“My Friend, the Pimp” by Steven G. Fullwood Stevengfullwood.org (New...


hapa  adj.— «Faced with a similar question, 5-year-old Gabriella Grosz says, “I’m black and white.” And Cindie Nakashima, a 22-year-old graduate student who once called herself “half-Japanese and half-white,” now...

license slap

license slap  n.— «The pressure to finish games before a film’s release can result in rushed projects—”license slaps” in the argot of the industry (“Catwoman” is a frequently cited example).» —“Story Line Is...