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Wellywood  n.— «AS I write this I’m still in New Zealand, Wellington or “Wellywood” as it is sometimes called because of filming Lord of the Rings and other films.» —“Mavis meets Mary” by Mavis Bensley Evening...

seelonce feenee

seelonce feenee  n.— «At approximately 18.15, the Rescue Coordination Centre of New Zealand requested that the Esperanza “stand down.” We informed the Rescue Centre that we would remain within VHF range in case assistance was...


snore-age  n.— «Storage may not be the sexiest of IT topics—industry journalists forced to endure conferences on the topic often refer to it as “snore-age”—but it may be the next goldmine for consultants.» —“Interrupt:...

blacking out

blacking out  n.— «We haven’t been attacking the fire from the front, but controlling it from the flanks to stop it spreading.…The process was called “blacking out” which involved mopping up where the fire had burned already, dousing...

smells and bells

smells and bells  n.pl.— «For Minns and fellow traditionalists—as “smells and bells” Episcopalians who prefer a more literal reading of scripture are called—the burden referred to was the acceptance of homosexuality by the...

toast juice

toast juice  n.— «Mr Mahar told Mr Wormald he was aware of a still being operated at the South Pole station, producing what was known as “toast juice.” He said he’d never seen a still and had been told it hadn’t operated during...