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stagette  n.— «Meet the Stagettes! This is the city’s latest service club organization and it is composed of an energetic group of young ladies who announce their “First Niter” Dance Friday night.» —“‘First Niter’ Dance on...


cho-mo  n.— «If you prove to me that someone is a cho-mo (child molester) around here, or stole from one of us, I’ll go get him for ya.» —“Night In The City” by Brian Smith Phoenix New Times (Ariz.) Dec. 3...


beng  n.— «Last night saw a departure from the usual visits to our regular Wednesday night bengs (beng = colloquialism for a curry house).» —“Wednesday’s Beng (food)” by Riviera Riviera’s Reviews (U.K.) May...


stripping  n.— «Her scheduling adopted the US method of stripping programmes, showing the same type of show at the same time every night so viewers always knew what was on.» —“In The Picture: I’m an ITV boss…get me out of...

potpourri fishing

potpourri fishing  n.— «One night I visited the pier for a little potpourri fishing and was startled to see crab pots tied every 7-10 feet around the entire end of the pier.» —“Pier Fishing in California” by Ken...


 n.— «Who was there:…assorted AMWs (actress, model, whatever).» —“Into the Night” by Jeannine Stein Los Angeles Times Oct. 24, 1988. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)