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twist one’s cap back

twist one’s cap back  v. phr.— «If anything, I really feel sorry for the journalists in the room. Can you imagine having your cap twisted back by a person that makes their living parodying you? It’s like that tom when Dom from Rusted Shut...

murder board

murder board  n.— «The White House team handling his nomination as chief justice had not seen the statement in advance, and Judge Roberts had not rehearsed it before the “murder board” that helped prepare him for the...


Estradification  n.— «Some Republicans said yesterday that the demands may be early signs of a stealth campaign by Democrats to kill the Supreme Court nomination by demanding documents they know they won’t get—a strategy one Republican...


numptorium  n.— «My nomination for new word of 2004 goes to “numptorium,” coined by our own Peter Clarke, and meaning “a political assembly or parliament building staffed by politicians of a low average IQ, or possessed...

throw red meat

throw red meat  v.— «The gay-marriage issue could create a minor sideshow to Kerry’s formal nomination and keep the conservative Republican base energized during a time when the national political spotlight will be on Kerry, not Bush...


heresthetics  n.— «John Kerry’s suggestion that he might delay acceptance of his nomination and the Republican response to that suggestions, are excellent examples of heresthetics—structuring the world so you can win.» —“Campaign...