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ozonation  n.— «“Ozonation,” as it’s called, is far from experimental, and many other cities—including Tampa, Orlando, New York and Los Angeles—use it already. Ozone like that found in the atmosphere is added to the water. Then the...

cowdust hour

cowdust hour  n.— «Far away a faint roar signaled the mounting confusion of Delhi’s rush hour—the “cowdust hour” with its pungent odor of thousands of fires kindled in preparation for the evening meal.» —by Elwyn M...


olf n. a scientific measure of indoor odor intensity. Etymological Note: olfaction unit, from the Latin olfactus ‘the action or capacity of smelling; the sense of smell.’ Coined by Danish scientist Povl Ole Fanger in 1987. The first cite is his...


olf  n.— «Using an odor panel as a subjective instrument, Fanger (1987) defined the olf (abbreviation for olfaction unit) as the emission rate of bioeffluents from a standard sedentary person in thermal comfort.» —by Jonathan M...