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Episode 1540

Tiger Tail

You may have a favorite word in English, but what about your favorite in another language? The Spanish term ojalá is especially handy for expressing hopefulness and derives from Arabic for “God willing.” In Trinidad, if you want to ask...

revolving SOB

revolving SOB  n.— «Because he “challenged communists and their agents in the United States” he “automatically became a revolving SOB” to his critics.» —“Marshall Gets Into McCarthy Line of...

hail damage

hail damage  n.— «Thighs without dimples or craters. Thighs noticeably absent of the spongelike appearance commonly referred to as hail damage or cottage cheese. Thighs that don’t thunder or jiggle.» —“Dare to Believe…Products...

pamper pole

pamper pole  n.— «“The Pamper Pole” is a 30-foot pole with a small platform on top. A trapeze hangs about 7 feet out from the platform. The goal is to climb to the top of the pole, stand on the platform and jump out to catch the...


junque  n.— «There is junk mail and there is junque mail, the classy kind whose entertainment value far exceeds its bulk rate status.» —“Junk Mail Delivers Odd Offer” by J.E. McReynolds Daily Oklahoman (Oklahoma...