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All Out Are in Free Hide-and-Seek Call

Kit from Pulaski, Tennessee, recalls that when he played hide-and-seek as a youngster in Miami, Florida, the call he and his friends used at the end of the game to draw everyone out of hiding was All y’all come in free!. However, he’s...

Episode 1394

Springtime Twitterpation

Springtime is the right time to feel twitterpated—you know, you’re smitten beyond a crush. Speaking of relationships, are dog owners really owners, or should they call themselves something else, like guardian or human? And if you’re up...

Ally, Ally, in Free

Speaking of the more recent past: When you played hide-and-seek as a child, did you yell “Ollie, Ollie Oxen Free”? Or “Ally Ally in Free”? Or maybe “Ally Ally Ump Free”? “Ole Ole Olsen Free”? Or...


olf n. a scientific measure of indoor odor intensity. Etymological Note: olfaction unit, from the Latin olfactus ‘the action or capacity of smelling; the sense of smell.’ Coined by Danish scientist Povl Ole Fanger in 1987. The first cite is his...


skunkeye  n.— «He’d put the skunkeye on Ole Double-or-Nothing and Art would be hyp-mo-tized into telling him everything.» —“Re: FOSML: Nostalgia…” by Tom Green Usenet: alt.sports.college.ohio-state Oct. 12...


Queue  n.— «On top of their community involvement and volunteer work, Omega Psi Phi brothers, or “Queues” as they’re called on campus, are known around Ole Miss for their gold boots and lively parties.» —“‘Qs’ initiate...