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wall dog

wall dog  n.— «Before moving to New York two years ago, Mr. Lindahl worked as an itinerant sign painter in cities around the country, picking up trade secrets from “wall dogs”—old men who spent their lives suspended above the city...

empathic painting

empathic painting  n.— «“Empathic painting,” as it is known, is an interactive painterly rendering whose appearance adapts in real time to reflect the perceived emotional state of the viewer.» —“Boffins splash out with empathic...


economisting  n.— «Economisting: (e kon’ o mist’ ing) 1. The act or process of converting limited evidence into grand claims by means of rhetorical ploys, especially punning. 2. The belief or practice that empirical evidence can only...

monkey board

monkey board  n.— «She also started to learn the offshore patois used to describe the different parts of the platform: the dog house, the monkey board, the rat hole, the cat walk.» —“Taking oil painting to a whole new...

rat hole

rat hole  n.— «She also started to learn the offshore patois used to describe the different parts of the platform: the dog house, the monkey board, the rat hole, the cat walk.» —“Taking oil painting to a whole new...

dog house

dog house  n.— «She also started to learn the offshore patois used to describe the different parts of the platform: the dog house, the monkey board, the rat hole, the cat walk.» —“Taking oil painting to a whole new...