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browning  n.— «The assumptions are that beauty is not obviously black; although, in the context of Jamaica, and perhaps the rest of the English-speaking Caribbean, it is not overtly Caucasian and aquiline. Something in between translates...


plunker  n.— «Still fishermen, or “plunkers” in fishing parlance, who do well on high but falling flows, were scoring good catches of fish by Tuesday on the north coast.» —“Outdoors Report: Hopes rise as rivers...

hose the doris

hose the doris  v. phr.— «In photographers’ parlance it is an activity known as “hosing the Doris”—keeping the button pressed and taking as many frames as possible in the shortest conceivable time of any female celebrity.» —“Paparazzi...

beat bag

beat bag  n.— «In 2000 he pleaded no contest in Superior Court to a charge of creating and selling a counterfeit substance, which in street parlance is a “beat bag.” The idea of a beat bag is to sell someone an innocuous substance by...


retail  adj.— «“My basic position on this is that the more forward-leaning arguments should also be made,” Spindelman said. “This does not mean that they have to be the only ones that are made. Lawyers can argue “in the alternative.” It is...

death by a thousand paper cuts

death by a thousand paper cuts  n.— «“My basic position on this is that the more forward-leaning arguments should also be made,” Spindelman said. “This does not mean that they have to be the only ones that are made. Lawyers can argue “in...

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