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Circle the Wagons

A chemist who spent years working in the pharmaceutical industry sent us an amusing sendup of corporatespeak that begins, “It is what it is, so let’s all reach out and circle the wagons…” Although his jargon-laden riff wonderfully...


obitutainment  n.— «It may say that people are avidly interested in “obitutainment,” a term for celebrity death news coined in the Kurt Anderson novel “Turn of the Century” and reprised by Comedy Central’s “The Daily Show” last week...


Floodwiser  n.— «But on another house—not facing the road, but on back, heckling the river—is a large parody of a red and white Budweiser beer can. “Floodwiser,” the can reads. “King of Floods—Next Time, Head for the...


FSMism  n.— «Bobby Henderson…conceived the Flying Spaghetti Monster as the fount of a new religion. Now, his parody deity is gaining eager adherents through the Internet.…And he wrote to the Kansas Board of Education...


Pastafarian  n.— «Bobby Henderson…conceived the Flying Spaghetti Monster as the fount of a new religion. Now, his parody deity is gaining eager adherents through the Internet.His fans have elaborated on the concept—many call...

grandmother cell

grandmother cell  n.— «The brain would contain a separate neuron to recognize each and every object in the world. Neurobiologist Jerome Lettvin coined the term “grandmother cell” to parody this view, as it would mean that the...