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waste-to-watts  attrib.— «Ameresco Incorporated has reached an agreement with the Delaware Solid Waste Authority for what’s called a “waste-to-watts” project. The company will capture methane from landfills in western Kent...

self-licking ice cream cone

self-licking ice cream cone  n.— «SDI has become “a self-licking ice cream cone. It serves no purpose except to consume itself.”» —“Critics Call Star Wars A Contractors’ Feast” by Tim Weiner Philadelphia...


Pennsyltucky  n.— «Outside the city limits of Philadelphia and Pittsburgh is a place some refer to as “Pennsyltucky.” It’s a place filled with farmers and blue-collar workers who like to drink beer, absolutely love their guns and listen to...


crunchy  n.— «Others in the Army call them grunts, or trigger pullers, or crunchies, for the sound of a tank rolling over a dead soldier. Sgt. Allan Toney has heard them all. “Bullet taker, bullet sponge, bullet stopper,” he...

bullet sponge

bullet sponge  n.— «Others in the Army call them grunts, or trigger pullers, or crunchies, for the sound of a tank rolling over a dead soldier. Sgt. Allan Toney has heard them all. “Bullet taker, bullet sponge, bullet stopper,”...

one-fingered peace sign

one-fingered peace sign  n.— «After Kimberly flashed the one-fingered peace sign at a fellow motorist last week, she was cited for disorderly conduct, found guilty by a district justice and fined $170.…Do you really think the...

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