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bullet sponge

bullet sponge  n.— «Others in the Army call them grunts, or trigger pullers, or crunchies, for the sound of a tank rolling over a dead soldier. Sgt. Allan Toney has heard them all. “Bullet taker, bullet sponge, bullet stopper,”...

one-fingered peace sign

one-fingered peace sign  n.— «After Kimberly flashed the one-fingered peace sign at a fellow motorist last week, she was cited for disorderly conduct, found guilty by a district justice and fined $170.…Do you really think the...


clickprint  n.— «Almost certainly—and if you’re wondering what a clickprint is, it is “a unique pattern of web surfing behavior based on actions such as the number of pages viewed per session, the number of minutes spent on each...


shoobie  n.— «There are almost as many boys as girls in town from Friday night through Sunday, while the “shoobies” are here. These are boys, also mostly college students, who spend the summer within driving distance of Ocean...

gifting power

gifting power  n.— «Allowing the people who watch over you to withdraw money for themselves—often called “gifting powers”—could be dangerous and needs to be discussed at length with your lawyer. Also, federal laws have changed and could...

sky rat

sky rat  n.— «It’s common to hear Canada geese referred to as “sky rats.” A term reserved for many years by seagulls along the Jersey shore.» —“No swan song yet for Canada geese” by Dale Machesic PhillyBurbs...