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resume on a rope

resume on a rope  n.— «Ah but Layne, with your “Resume On A Rope” (backstage pass), you could have run of the place.» —“Beloit College Show” by Kevin NadaBlog Sept. 14, 2003. (source: Double-Tongued...


zafu  n.— «The bathroom is our meditation place. It acts as a Dojo (Japanese word for the place where Zen meditation is done) and the toilet is our Zafu (Japanese for the black cotton cushion used in Zen meditation).» —“Living Room...


bukateria  n.— «Meanwhile, for those who ran the bukateria, an eating place for the common man, have introduced the corn meal or corn vita (Tuwo Masara).» —“Season of the Wonder Crop” by Victor Akobundu All...

booth capturing

booth capturing  n.— «The men had carried out a new version of a storied Indian electoral trick: “booth capturing,” in which armed thugs hired by political parties seize control of a polling place and stuff ballot boxes...