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stunt cock

stunt cock  n.— «Being for the US market, though, the real hero is another visitor Fensom refers to as “stunt cock.”…With his girlfriend at the time, he answered an online ad and became Dane Cross, porn star. Here in...

garden grabbing

garden grabbing  n.— «The practice known as “garden grabbing” happens where builders snap up large detached houses with big gardens, knock them down and then squeeze a small estate of new homes on to the same plot...

leaky levee

leaky levee  n.— «The design would include so-called “leaky levees,” an idea that features culverts at strategic locations, allowing Gulf of Mexico tides to move in and out of the northern reaches of the estuaries, maintaining...


enta  n.— «They’re not prisoners, they’re “detainees.” It sounds better, as if they’re merely inconvenienced rather than shoehorned into cinderblock cells, thumbing their military-issued Korans and waiting to be interrogated...

string of pearls

string of pearls  n.— «A string of pearls structure is a linked series of worlds structures connected by plot points or tasks that the player must accomplish to move forward in the narrative. As defined earlier, a worlds structure lets the...

vice mail

vice mail  n.— «Federal prosecutors yesterday filed criminal charges against three people who allegedly preyed on unsuspecting investors with voice mail messages disguised as confidential stock tips left on the wrong answering machine. At...