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TagPolitical divisions of the United States

Both and “Bolth”

A San Francisco man confesses he routinely pronounces the word both as “bolth.” Grant gives him the results of an informal online survey that shows the caller he’s not alone—some 10 percent of respondents said they do the same...

spoil bank

spoil bank  n.— «In the rolling hills just a few miles outside town, a forest of black locust, black cherry and young sugar maple grows from what the locals call spoil banks, mounds of dirt and rock tossed aside by years of strip-mining...

tippler house

tippler house  n.— «He welded in the coal preparation house, or the tippler house in mine parlance, for 11 years. He was up top where he could see the sun, the fog and the rain and feel the breeze.» —“He welded way through med...

test bank

test bank  n.— «In the UA’s Greek Life system, houses are homes not only to members but also to the tests, notes and study guides of greeks who have come before them. The tests and other materials, stuffed into filing cabinets and closets...

study bank

study bank  n.— «In the UA’s Greek Life system, houses are homes not only to members but also to the tests, notes and study guides of greeks who have come before them. The tests and other materials, stuffed into filing cabinets and...

Kelly shift

Kelly shift  n.— «Under what is known as the “Kelly shift,” adopted by the Fire Department in 1969, firefighters worked a 27-day rotation consisting of one 24-hour shift, followed by 48 hours off. After repeating that cycle...