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pop  n.— «Mike Rehmus, editor of Model Engine Builder, a magazine published five times a year in Vallejo, Calif., said that the builders of miniature internal-combustion engines seemed to have in common a “satisfaction of making something...


chonga  n.— «The magic starts with a heaping glob of electric blue L.A. Looks hair gel. Then comes the extra coating of $1.07 Beauty Glamorous Extra Hold hair spray. So begins the transformation of 17-year-olds Mimi Davila and Laura Di...


makeunder  n.— «While most women in showbiz would love to get a stunning “make-over,” pop star Nick Lachey’s girlfriend Vanessa Minnillo has done just the opposite. Minnillo is reportedly undergoing a drastic “makeunder’...


gasfinger  n.— «It seems that no matter how many times various energy analysts discard the possibility of an OPEC-like cartel of natural gas exporters, the specter of gasfinger, as we affectionately refer to it (credit to the FT), seems to...

bake blind

bake blind  v. phr.— «When recipes tell you to bake blind, they don’t mean cover your eyes. Baking blind is the term for cooking a pie shell—partially or completely—without any filling. You shouldn’t just pop the shell in the oven. It’ll...

Beavis and Butthead lab

Beavis and Butthead lab  n.— «The lab appeared to be small, a “mom and pop or a Beavis and Butthead lab,” Burden said, and was probably used to supply meth to just Lobue and a couple other users.» —“Mesa meth lab found at home owned...