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wila n. a surreptitious note (sent by or between prisoners); a kite. Editorial Note: Pronounced “WHEE-lah.” Etymological Note: This is an Anglicized or Spanglish spelling of the Mexican Spanish güila or huila, that, according to...


squadrol  n.— «As the squadrol was coming to take the prisoners downtown…Sgt. Williams abruptly called for quiet.…The squadrol arrived with its crew of two mildly curioous uniformed policemen.» —“Vice in...

roforofo fight

roforofo fight  n.— «They are taking no prisoners and what is known in local parlance as a roforofo fight is the only way they know.» —“An Ill Wind…” by Funke Aboyade This Day (Lagos, Nigeria) June 23...


gating  v.— «Aware of public concern about prisoners committing violent crimes while on mandatory supervision, new legislation was enacted to allow the parole board to detain potentially dangerous offenders—like Leigh—until their sentences...


gate  v.— «Miss Moore was released from prison on mandatory supervision—a controversial early-release program for prisoners—but was arrested as soon as she left the prison. According to Mr. Cole, this procedure is known as gating and has...


gate  v.— «Gating means that the parole board sends back to prison inmates going out of the prison gates on mandatory supervision. The law requires that prisoners who have served two-thirds of their sentence be released to serve the last...