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bird of passage

bird of passage  n.— «A convenient way was found to reconcile the contradiction, said Camille Guérin-Gonzales, a professor of history at the University of Wisconsin and the author of “Mexican Workers and American Dreams.” No...


zeteophobia  n.— «So, what’s zeteophobia? It’s a “coined term” by noted psychologist and Stanford University professor John Krumboltz and means ‘a fear of career planning.’ Among many key ideas he offered, the optimal solution...


psychoceramics  n.— «A well known professor of psychoceramics (the study of crackpots) who makes you think does more for you than a pedant in economics or some other subject.» —“The College Your Child Chooses to Attend May Influence...


pimp  v.— «I can’t say how long the term “pimping” has been used in medical circles but I first heard the term six years ago when I began working at a teaching hospital. The term comes from the fact that the clinical...

little professor syndrome

little professor syndrome  n.— «People with Asperger’s, which affects mostly boys, aren’t likely to have any physical disabilities. They sometimes show an extraordinary grasp of obscure topics. As a result, the condition is sometimes known...


coursecasting  n.— «Aside from creating podcasts of lectures—also known as “coursecasting”—Duke faculty members used the iPods to provide classroom materials such as lectures, songs or historical speeches.» —“University...