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graveyard month

graveyard month  n.— «February and March are known in the retail industry as the “graveyard months,” the time when wealthy owners find themselves some sunshine on an expensive cruise liner waiting for the spring recovery...


tick-tock  n.—Gloss: A chronological recounting of events. «In the convention of the recovery narrative, readers will want to scan past the tick-tock, looking for the yucky part so that they can feel better about themselves.» —“Me and...


marathonitis  n.— «“Marathonitis” is the term used to describe the litany of gruesome and painful injuries affecting long-distance runners.» —“London Marathon: The road to recovery” by Catherine...

parate execution

parate execution  n.— «Parate execution is a term that defaulting customers of banks fear most. “Parate” is a Dutch term which means “immediate” and “parate execution” basically means a debt recovery process outside the normal...

recovery officer

recovery officer  n.— «A new gang of robbers is on the city roads. They can deprive you of your car while you are heading to attend a cremation or are out with your family for the evening. They are law unto themselves and its enforcers as...

browse damage

browse damage  n.— «We conducted a study to evaluate the effects of the extent and season of simulated browse damage on the recovery of I-year-old loblolly pine seedlings under controlled conditions.» —“Recovery of l-year-old loblolly...