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hero  n.— «It seems like a straightforward assignment until the “hero”—food styling parlance for the center of the plate foodstuff—arrives on set as wrinkled as a baggy pair of pantyhose that have lost their elastic...


isolette  n.— «As all 11 students gathered around the incubator, or isolette as it is also known, the campers got a crash course in medical terminology that was not part of their vernacular. » —“Campers gather at...

throw red meat

throw red meat  v.— «The gay-marriage issue could create a minor sideshow to Kerry’s formal nomination and keep the conservative Republican base energized during a time when the national political spotlight will be on Kerry, not Bush...


heresthetics  n.— «John Kerry’s suggestion that he might delay acceptance of his nomination and the Republican response to that suggestions, are excellent examples of heresthetics—structuring the world so you can win.» —“Campaign...


watermelon  n.— «Major Robert D’Aubuisson, leader of the ultra right Nationalist Republican Alliance (ARENA), likes to compare the Christian Democrats to a watermelon. “Green (the Christian Democrats’ official color) on the...