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Episode 1448


Sensuous words and terms of endearment. Think of a beautiful word. Now, is it simply the word’s sound that makes it beautiful? Or does its appeal also depend on meaning? Also, pet names for lovers around the world: You might call your beloved...

All Girled Up

More than a century ago, the Springfield Republican newspaper in Massachusetts proposed a new word for that twitterpated time in an adolescent’s life when one discovers the joys of flirtation: being all girled up. The Republican is also the...

The Lipstick Express (minicast)

Hockey mom, mavericky, snow machines, and—how could we forget that other memorable phrase from the 2008 presidential campaign?—lipstick on a pig. Some new and not-so-new terms leapt onto the national stage during Gov. Sarah Palin‘s run for the...

auto fraudo

auto fraudo  n.— «Democrats passed the Motor Voter law in 1993 (in the meeting I started hearing the old Republican name for it, “auto fraudo”), which permanently loosened the rules on mailed-in voter registration.» —“Been...

stinkin’ thinkin’

stinkin’ thinkin’  n.— «You also must accept that the enemies of private property, the radical environmental left, pretty much control Democrat policy. As the party of big, intrusive, regulatory government, Democrats regard...