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“And Them” Colloquialism

If Sam and them are going to be here after while, can the “and them” mean just one additional person? In some parts of the country, it could be Sam’s wife, or Sam’s entire softball team. A listener from Texas shares this...

Adding Possession to Business Names

A caller observes that after moving to Indianapolis, he noticed that many of the locals say the names of commercial enterprises as if they’re plural or possessive, even when they’re not, such as calling Walmart “Walmart’s...


relamp  v.— «Fluorescents should be changed all at once, a technique called group relamping, to reduce labor cost by 30-50%.» —“Top Ten Things Furniture Retailers Need To Know About Lighting – Online...

Big Box Stores

A Wisconsin man wonders about the use of the term big box store to denote the stores of big retail chains like Wal-Mart. Is big box a reference to the size and shape of the stores, or the fact that they sell huge appliances that come in, well, big...


 v.— «People will risk their lives to spave—spend to save—at Ikea.» —“Fraught & social—Diary” by Kate Muir Times (London, England) Dec. 1, 2001. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)

poison put

poison put  n.— «In December 1995, following several quarters of weak sales, Kmart Corp. came on the brink of a bankruptcy filing: Their problems stemmed from the possible exercise of $550 million of poison put bonds outstanding, which...