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three plastic animals rule

three plastic animals rule  n.— «The Court held unconstitutional the nativity scene in Allegheny, which was tastefully displayed with a backdrop of greenery and poinsettias, but unaccompanied by secular signs of the season. Practitioners...


zorro  n.— «During the entire operation, Army used at least 10 masked men commonly known as zorros to identify underground cadres.» —“Human Rights violations by Army reported in Jiribam operation” in...


Toddi  n.— «Another hurdle is a deep skepticism within the criminal justice system toward people who insist they are clean. “The paperwork is sometimes called a Toddi, for “the other dude did it,”” says Beth Givens...


jump-out  n.— «The young Nebraskans were particularly fascinated and curious about the “jump-outs” that DC police conduct twice each week, in which undercover officers attempt to buy drugs from young people who fit the profile...


refouler  n.— «Furthermore, Haynes stated that the U.S. does not “expel, return (’refouler’) or extradite individuals to other countries where the U.S. believes it is ‘more likely than not’ they will be tortured.”» —“HUman...


wallpaper  n.— «ClearChannel just want’s you to keep the radio on for as long as possible. McDonaldsization makes each station attempt to sound the same always. Thus the stations adopt music that sounds the same as what listeners already...

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