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chatter bump

chatter bump  n.— «One of her most unusual assignments was to build a road with all the wrong bankings. She created a four-mile nightmare of incorrectly canted curves, chatter bumps, potholes and a hundred other hazards found on rural...

chatter bump

chatter bump  n.— «A key issue is what the suit calls “chatter bumps,” which rural drivers refer to as washboards.» —“Condition of county road to factor in wrongful-death suit” by Steven Hepker Citizen...


alligator  n.— «He picks up a piece of rubber and flings it aside. In an instant, he is back to the safety of the grassy side strip. Again, he gauges the traffic and leaps onto the road to grab an “alligator.”» —“Driven to...


splash  v.— «That also means no bathroom breaks unless the convoy stops to “splash,” the term for fueling up the Humvees with gas cans on the side of the road. Then the soldiers discreetly do their business standing next to...


mud-out  n.— «At another home students continued with the “mud-outs,” as the process is called. In addition to removing the sheetrock on the home covered with mold from floor to ceiling, in a heart-wrenching process they removed all of the...


roadwitch  n.— «Ted Dewan…has come up with the idea of “folk traffic calming.” This is where art installations meet road safety, a kind of sleeping policeman that’s been influenced by Damien Hirst. These type of...

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