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sandbox  n.— «They call it the “Sandbox Express.” For seven weeks, crews from Andrews like this one have endured a grueling, round-the-clock schedule ferrying thousands of tons of cargo and tens of thousands of troops to bases...


MSM  n.— «With Dan Rather’s slow motion sacking reaching its not-so-thrilling climax last evening (I intended to watch, but got the TV schedule mixed up, and wasn’t all that disappointed to realize I’d missed it) everybody seems to be...


sitzprobe  n.— «I looked at the schedule and said “What’s a sitzprobe?” and they said “don’t you know? Oh dear, you are ignorant.” It’s a German word which means sitting down and singing with the orchestra. First...

mayor’s cell

mayor’s cell  n.— «The mayor’s cell served kind of as “camp counselor,” handing out keys to rooms and making sure chow was served on time. My BC turned out to be the mayor, explaining how my ass got dragged down there...

on the wheel

on the wheel  adj.— «On the wheel—A rotating work schedule, as 8 A.M.-to-4 P.M. shifts one week, 4 P.M.-to-midnight shifts the next week and midnight-to-8 A.M. shifts the next, complicated by the fact that many officers work four days on...

sag wagon

sag wagon
 n.— «Non-cycling jobs at Club events (registration, sag wagon, etc).» —“PPTC Sep 1994 Ride Schedule” by Joseph Stusnick Usenet: dc.biking Aug. 24, 1994. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)