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ghost kid

ghost kid  n.— «The thing that scares me most as a superintendent, as a person, as a professional educator, are kids that are called ghost kids, kids that walk around our schools and don’t have any attachments or association with anybody...

bird egg

bird egg  n.— «According to police reports, at about 10 am yesterday, police and a groundsman pulled out six boxes and several bags containing the firecrackers commonly known as “bird eggs” or “cherry bombs” from the school dumpster...


GPA  n.— «GPA also stands for a university or college’s Gay Point Average. Windmeyer’s book, “The Advocate College Guide for LGBT Students,” released in August, evaluates a school’s GPA based on different components which...

sweep room

sweep room  n.— «There is a “sweep room” for students caught cutting class, and a new detention room, where students caught committing infractions like wearing hats or using portable CD players are sent for a couple of hours...


clickprint  n.— «Almost certainly—and if you’re wondering what a clickprint is, it is “a unique pattern of web surfing behavior based on actions such as the number of pages viewed per session, the number of minutes spent on each...


SMOD  n.— «The following Standard Mode Of Dress will be required for all students at Allen Middle School for the 2006”“2007 school year. As you shop for school clothes for next year, please follow the guidelines below.» —“Standard...