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dále shine

dále shine  v. phr.— «“I’ve heard it used in Ohio. I think it means ‘to approve of something.’” According to Joe Lopez, Chicano artist and owner of Gallista Gallery, “You can’t really describe dále shine directly, you...


colorway  n.— «Lam doesn’t mind dropping $180 for new Jordan 5s with a white-black-and-red color scheme (“colorways” in shoehead parlance) or driving two hours to San Francisco almost every weekend to shop on Haight Street...

shine one’s eyes

shine one’s eyes  n.— «While it is good to invest in shares, I would implore Nigerians to shine their eyes, if I may borrow a popular street lingo, so they would not have to cry at the end of the day.» —“Please Shine Your...


MTA  n.— «In the fashion industry, models that aspire to reach the silver screen are referred to as MTAs, or models-turned-actresses.» —“Athens spotlight finds plenty of women to shine on” Seattle Times Aug. 21, 2004...